Main Topic Areas

Curb Management - Urban Consolidation - Routing - Tech Innovation

Land Use - Environmental Justice - Complete Streets - Waste Management

Emergency Management and Supply Chain Resilience

Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs)

Work with the public sector to create and improve freight offices within city agencies and develop logistics plans and policies.

Support industry development of freight technology and systems.

Help clients identify biggest challenges and create strategic solutions.

Consultation & Advisory Services

Provide both quantitative and qualitative answers to clients’ pressing research questions through a variety of deliverables including presentations, decks, reports.

Edit and co-author public reports and tender/RFP proposals.

Serve as lead or support project manager and oversee project implementation.

Research & Project Management

Speaking Engagements

Present at conferences, provide interviews and moderator/panel appearances.

Research events, trade shows, individual organization webinars and more. See Press & Publications section for more details.

Community & Stakeholder Engagement

Develop outreach strategies, workshop and meeting design and facilitate discussions on behalf of client.